Zakat Foundation of America Executive Director Meets President Erdogan

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As world leaders convened in New York City for the 71st United Nations General Assembly, Mr. Halil Demir, Executive Director of Zakat Foundation of America, once again had the pleasure of meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey. Mr. Demir briefed President Erdoğan on Zakat Foundation of America’s international work, including its current campaigns supporting Syrian refugees in Turkey.

Mr. Erdoğan commended organizations such as Zakat Foundation of America who have mobilized Muslims in the United States to help make a positive difference in the world.

A few weeks earlier, Mr. Demir also met with the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey at the Zakat Foundation of America office in Chicago, engaging in a dialogue of mutual understanding and shared purpose.

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Published: September 23, 2016
Categories: Stories