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Response to Humanitarian Crisis

Decades of internal conflict, political instability, extreme weather events, and economic challenges have fueled Sudan's multifaceted humanitarian crisis, causing food insecurity, malnutrition, and inadequate services. Notably, Sudan accommodates both internally displaced Sudanese and refugees from South Sudan and Ethiopia. Since 2007, Zakat Foundation of America has been addressing food insecurity through seasonal giving food packages, medical needs with cataract surgeries, Covid-19 relief and professional development, and sadaqah jariyah through water wells.

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Support Emergency Efforts in Sudan

More recently, Zakat Foundation is providing emergency relief amidst the ongoing internal conflict which erupted in April 2023.

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Our Impact in Sudan

Stories of Change

Nourishing Families Through Food Support

mona abdalrazig


Mona Abdalrazig Idres, mother of 4, was displaced from her home due to water and food scarcity and the ongoing civil unrest. Despite relocating to AlFardos , living conditions remain dire, and countless continue to lack aid. Displaced by war, families struggle for work and to bring in a steady income. Our food aid is the first to be received, offering sustenance and gratitude. Mona was given nourishing meat as part of our Udihya/Qurbani program in response to displaced families affected by Sudan's April 2023 war. The aid package included essentials such as wheat, oil, lentils, rice, and sugar. 

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After a leg injury and a month of uncertainty, Mohamed Issa Awad Allah's family survived on their remaining Ramadan supplies. Mohamed’s injury prompted them to travel to Shandi for medical help. Selling their possessions to cover the costly surgery, their lives dramatically changed. Now in Noor Eliman center, they live in a hallway with their 5 children, without food. A neighbor occasionally offers sustenance. Grateful for the food packages from Zakat Foundation, the family expressed their sincere gratitude to donors for supporting them in their time of need.

Captured Moments: A Glimpse of Our Work

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Emergency Relief

Help victims of disaster & violent conflict recover and heal. Give $100 for Emergency Relief.

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Seasonal Islamic Giving

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