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MIL-OSI United Nations: United Nations Department of Global Communications Approves 13 Civil Society Organizations for Association

By MIL-OSI Publisher

On Friday, 13 May 2022, the United Nations Department of Global Communications Civil Society Association Committee approved 13 civil society organizations for formal association with the Department.

Civil society organizations are important partners in disseminating information globally about the work and priorities of the Organization. The importance of such partnerships has been especially highlighted during the global COVID-19 pandemic, as the network of civil society organizations have helped amplify the United Nations message and fight misinformation as part of the United Nations Verified campaign, a major United Nations initiative. The growing number of stories of civil society response to COVID-19 provides a snapshot of the tremendous positive impact that civil society organizations bring to their communities during crisis.

The Deputy Director of the Outreach Division of the United Nations Department of Global Communications, Robert Skinner, welcomed the new civil society organizations from Belgium, Canada, India, Lebanon, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States and Uruguay, highlighting the diversity of the new group and the importance of collaboration. “I am heartened and inspired to see the exceptional commitment of these newly associated civil society groups. In the face of so many global challenges, the United Nations and civil society must stand together to build stronger and more resilient communities. We must work together to take climate action, recover from COVID-19 and ensure that everyone, everywhere, has access to a vaccine and quality medical care. We must work side-by-side to ensure innocent civilians are safe from harm and conflict and that journalists and activists can express themselves freely without danger. The United Nations remains committed to the power of civil society engagement and it is a privilege to welcome these thirteen newly associated organizations,” said Skinner.

The following organizations, working on issues such as children’s rights, education, cultural awareness, emergency response, access to quality health resources, environmental protection, rights of peoples with disabilities, social inclusion, women and youth empowerment, among others, were formally associated with the Department of Global Communications:

  1. Empowering the Turkish – American Community USA (ETAC USA) [United States]

  2. Federation of Medical Women of Canada [Canada]

  3. Hakka Association of New York [United States]

  4. Monitor My Health Inc [United States]

  5. Mtree [United States]

  6. National Association of Palliative Care for AYUSH & Integrative Medicine [India]

  7. Organización de Bomberos Americanos [Uruguay]

  8. Pan American Development Foundation [United States]

  9. Struggle Against Poverty [Uganda]

  10. United Voices 4 Peace [Belgium]

  11. University of Balamand [Lebanon]

  12. University of Westminster [United Kingdom]

  13. Zakat Foundation of America, The (TZFA) [United States]

About Department of Global Communications Civil Society Association

The Department of Global Communications works with diverse civil society organizations ranging from small groups to subsidiaries of large networks and academic institutions around the world. Organizations are required to meet certain minimum requirements before they are associated with the Department. In addition to their main activities, associated organizations are expected to use their communications assets to disseminate information received from the Department about the work of the United Nations and issues on its agenda to their members and audiences.

United Nations Department of Global Communications associated organizations are expected to join the global effort to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, promote and defend human rights, and promote peace and security. They also have the opportunity to network with other organizations and to share information about their activities during the thematic briefings, capacity-building sessions and the United Nations Civil Society Conference.

Civil society organizations accepted for association with the Department of Global Communications receive up to six grounds passes (two of which are designated for youth representatives ages 18 to 32) to facilitate access to United Nations official meetings, events, and information sessions at Headquarters in New York. Youth engagement has been an important dimension of the Civil Society Unit outreach activities for many years.

Organizations that successfully meet the criteria for association with the Department are also eligible to propose and lead civil society briefings organized by the Department. A dedicated Civil Society Resource Centre with materials and information on the Organization’s work is located in the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Building at 801 UN Plaza, 2nd Floor, New York*.

Published: June 1, 2022
Categories: Press Clippings