2001 Zakat Foundation of America Founded

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Zakat Foundation of America was founded in 2001 upon the Islamic principle illustrated in the Gracious Quran:

"They feed with food--despite their own desire for it-- the indigent, and the orphan and the captive (saying): ‘We feed you purely for the sake of God. We desire no reward from you, nor thankfulness.’" - Surah al-Insan 8-9

Zakat Foundation of America was established during a time when humanitarian organizations faced increased scrutiny in their activities and procedures, leading to new standards in transparency and accountability. As a US-based, Muslim-run charity organization that serves needy communities both at home and abroad, Zakat Foundation of America shows the inclusive beauty of Islam through programs that reach the destitute worldwide.

Zakat Foundation of America has differentiated itself from a traditional US-based Muslim charity approach of exclusively supporting communities abroad and reaches poor and indigent communities within the United States as well. Since its establishment, Zakat Foundation of America has progressed from mostly offering immediate emergency aid and Seasonal Programs to a focus on severing the roots of poverty, utilizing Zakat and Sadaqah donations to develop long-term, sustainable solutions.

Published: January 1, 2001
Categories: Uncategorized