3 Worship Ideas for Ramadan 2025

3 worship ideas ramadan img

Outside of the established practices — including praying, fasting and giving charity — worship can take different forms, and there’s no better time for worship than in Ramadan. 

How you go about an action determines its status on your scale of deeds. 

Go green

Plant a garden with intention, doing it for God’s pleasure, and putting care into raising your plants

The Prophet, on him be peace, said:, 

There is none among the Muslims who plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, but is regarded as a charitable gift for him" (Bukhari).

Charity doesn’t just come down to giving money. It’s about sharing resources as responsible holders of God’s wealth. And for those who have the time, land and other resources to delve deep into agricultural practices and grow their own fruits and vegetables: Know that agricultural produce falls under the types of wealth on which Muslims pay zakat.

And if you grow produce during Ramadan 2025, make sure to share from your yield with family, friends and neighbors upon breaking your fast in the evening. May your generosity be rewarded beyond your comprehension. 

Prepare/distribute warm meals

Many Muslims around the world begin their fast during Ramadan without knowing where their iftar (fast-breaking meal) will come from. To combat this, caring individuals and nonprofit organizations prepare and distribute a mix of warm meals and nonperishable food items to those who need it — throughout the year but especially during Ramadan.

In preparing and distributing these meals, make dhikr (remembrance of God) as much as you reasonably can. Remind yourself with every meal that you prepare that someone else cannot prepare it. Don’t let yourself forget that just as you are giving a meal today, you might need to be given one tomorrow. Instill in yourself the mindset that God is in control, always, and that even your charitable acts are only done by His permission.

Help construct a water source

Not everyone has easy access to clean — let alone running — water. Around the world, women and girls are often burdened with spending hours each day retrieving water for their families’ cooking, cleaning and drinking.

One water well can help hundreds, if not thousands, of people a day. Knowing that, Zakat Foundation of America works in 23 countries to help construct water wells and hand pumps. Constructing water sources for people who don’t have access to clean drinking water is an example of sadaqah jariyah (ongoing charity). Building a water well can add to your scale of good deeds for years to come.

The Prophet, on him be peace, famously said:

When a human being dies, all one’s deeds cease, save three: a Sadaqah Jariyah, [religious] knowledge [one leaves behind] from which others benefit, and a righteous child who prays for one” (Muslim).

Worshiping in Ramadan 2025

These are just three deeds that can be acts of worship for you in Ramadan 2025. And others like you who rush to complete good deeds in this holy month make online and offline campaigns to help achieve their goals. For example, Zakat Foundation of America has a community page on LaunchGood dedicated to giving. Donors often organize fundraisers for their deceased loved ones, building water wells, hand pumps, mosques and schools on their behalf.

Take advantage of Ramadan’s countless blessings while you still can.

Give Today
Published: March 12, 2024
Categories: Stories