Five Best Deeds for The 10 Best Days

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“Three-times happy!”

That’s how Islam’s great scholars describe the one who makes the most of the 10 Holy Days that start the sacred month of Dhu’l-Hijjah, when Hajj is performed.


  1. He draws near to his Lord.

  2. Allah likely covers him with blessings.

  3. Allah fills him with the sense of being shielded from Hellfire.

The Prophet, on him be peace, pointed us to the way we can make the blessings of these days our own. He said:

There is not a deed purer to Allah, mighty and majestic, nor of greater reward than a good deed one does in the Ten Days of Sacrifice.” (Sunan Al-Darimihasan/good)

Here are the five best kinds of deeds we can do in these sacred days:

1. Fast the First 9 Days of Dhu’l-Hijjah 

Fasting is a worship Allah loves and rewards high above many others. The Prophet, on him be peace, used to fast the first 9 days of Dhu’l-Hijjah, which includes the Day of ‘Arafah (the 9th), the best day of the Islamic year. It is the Day of Hajj, answered prayers, and deliverance from Hellfire. It is the Day Allah perfected Islam.

2. Recite the Remembrances of Allah Aloud

The Prophet, on him be peace, said:

No days are greater to Allah, nor good deeds done in days dearer to Him, than these 10. So fill them with utterances of La ilaha il’Llah (There is no God but Allah), Allahu akbar (God is greater), and Alhamdulillah (All praise is for Allah).” (Musnad Ahmad, sahih/authentic)

This means reciting these remembrances out loud and often – in the mosque, at home, on the street, in the market, and in all permissible places.

Allah Himself gave the command to us about these first 10 days:

And mention much the name of Allah during the known days of Hajj-Pilgrimage.” (Surat Al-Hajj 22:28)

3. Stack Your Good Deeds

If you can’t do Hajj, fill these rare days of incalculably multiplied blessings and forgiveness with the worship of Allah you can do: 

  1. salat-prayer – push yourself to perform extra salat in the day and the night.

  2. the quran – read it in every space you can make. 

  3. dhikr-remembrance – keep Allah’s praises on your tongue (see 2 above).

  4. du‘a-supplication – ask Allah tirelessly.

  5. sadaqah-charity – give daily to the poor and afflicted, as much as you can.

  6. parents – honor and serve them, or give on their behalf.

  7. silat al-rahm-kinship ties – renew relationships with your relatives.

  8. enjoin right/forbid wrong – where & when you can (begin with yourself).

4. Offer the Udhiyah-Qurbani Sacrifice

This is among the best deeds one can do in this season named for it. Do it on day 10, Eid Al-Adhah, after the Eid Prayer (or the two or three days after). Your offering (qurban) will bring you closer to Allah, as its name says. In these desperate times, your sacrifice can feed the afflicted starving and poor. It is the Sunnah of the Prophet, on him be peace, to offer two sacrifices, one for his household and one for his Ummah. You can donate a sacrifice here.

5. Make Tawbah-Repentance

Repentance is what sets the believer apart. To adorn that sincere repentance with heartfelt good deeds done in these Days of high holy virtue is a sign of true success, God willing:

Allah said:

As for whoever repents in life and truly believes and works righteousness, then it may well be that such as these shall be of the truly successful in this life and the Hereafter.” (Surat Al-Qasas 28:67)

These are the milestones that mark the path of the way and Day of the blessed ones, the three-times happy. O Allah! Make us of them.

Published: June 5, 2024
Categories: Stories