Ghani Muhammad: Raising Future Leaders in Afghanistan

Ghani Muhammad is a good example of how Rumi International School is playing a vital role in the lives of Afghan immigrants in Kharipur, a city located in the Northwestern province of Pakistan.

"Since the time my family and I immigrated from Afghanistan to Pakistan, we have withstood several major hardships such as war and forced immigration. This created severe mental health issues for my father, who disappeared shortly after his arrival to Pakistan. Most people assume that my father passed away shortly after he disappeared. My family now depends on the remittance of one of my brothers, who is only 14-years-old and works in Kabul, Afghanistan. My brother is supporting my family with all of our expenses. I also tried to work as a laborer to help my family, but after an accident that left two of my fingers crushed, I was unable to continue my work. I am a full time student at Rumi International School now," Ghani tells us.

Since 2003, Zakat Foundation of America has been supporting Rumi International School in Pakistan. The approximate 600 students that attend Rumi International School are children from Afghani families who have sought refuge in Pakistan, due to the instability that has dominated their country for the last few decades. Although many Afghan refugees have returned home, approximately 2 million refugees still remain in in Pakistan, where they attend school and work.

Ghani and the other children who attend Rumi International School receive quality education using the English language as the medium. The school curriculum is designed to fulfill the requirements of both the Pakistani and Afghani school systems. Upon graduation, the students receive diplomas that are accepted in both counties. This is done to facilitate the ability for students to continue their studies in either country.

In addition to the children's educational needs, Rumi International School tends to other needs, including the children's physical and emotional development through appropriate extracurricular activities that include music and tailoring classes.

During Ramadan 2010, the children and staff joined together to complete two readings in the Qur'an and sand Naat (traditional religious songs) during school assemblies.

Insha'allah with the educational opportunities now available to Ghani, he will be able to provide a bright future for himself and for his family. Zakat Foundation of America is able to support students such as Ghani with the help of our Lord (swt) and generous donors.

Please help support Rumi International School so that Ghani and children like him can have a bright future.

Published: January 4, 2011
Categories: Stories