Giving the Gift of Sight in a Kenyan Village

Here at Zakat Foundation of America we believe that healthcare is a human right. That’s why we open mobile health clinics around the world in communities that need it the most. In December, Zakat Foundation of America funded three Mobile Health Clinics in Kenya, in the cities of Matete, Matungu and Mount Elgon, where, before we arrived, residents had to walk miles in the heat in search of medical care.

Since the clinics opened in December, there have been countless patients treated for different ailments. Among those, there were some local residents who had become blind through cataract infection.

Alhumdulillah, we’ve performed surgery on 17 people to correct for cataract blindness, and every surgery has been successful. Families are beyond grateful as people who were unable to see or to read are now able to see clearly and read again.

Of those 17 surgeries, we also had three children who were treated for cataract infection and they have now been able to return to school.

The patients of the Mobile Health Clinics express their gratitude daily to Zakat Foundation of America volunteers who work in the clinics, but the real thanks goes to you.

Without donors like you, a project like our Mobile Health Clinics in Kenya would not be possible. Please continue to keep Sadaqah Jariyah projects like this one alive and donate to change a life today.

Published: April 19, 2012
Categories: Stories