
How Can You Help Bangladesh Flood Victims?

Devastating monsoon floods in Bangladesh have recently created a humanitarian catastrophe, with record flooding destroying homes, crops and the surrounding environment.

Over 7 million people in Bangladesh now lack food, water and shelter necessities, and an estimated minimum of 93,000 homes have been lost in regions already severely affected by food and water shortages.

Our team has been on the ground since the beginning of the emergency and has helped Bangladesh flood victims begin the journey to recovery.

Your charity has helped Bangladesh flood survivors. And we can continue supporting them.


Volunteers wade through high waters to deliver aid brought with a small boat. Zakat Foundation of America started delivering aid to Bangladesh flood victims in late June 2022.


Volunteers share the joy of bringing an aid package to a local mother and her family.


Local women and their children sit happily with their relief packages.


A young boy smiles as he sees the joy on his mother’s face.


A volunteer delivers an aid package to an elderly woman in her village


A volunteer and a beneficiary pose during an aid distribution, where high flood waters can still be seen.


A young man sits on the bank of a river with his aid package.

This crisis is far from over, and those whose lives have been forever changed by the Bangladesh flood need our help to start over.

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Published: July 21, 2022
Categories: Stories