How Can You Help Pakistan Flood Victims?

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In August, monsoon rains fell as they usually do in Pakistan. This year, it was worse than anyone had expected. According to Pakistan’s National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), the rainfall is 500% above average in the southern Sindh and Balochistan provinces. 

Over 33 million people have been affected by the floods. Over one million homes have been damaged. Two million acres of crops have been destroyed. The damages have impacted over 800 health care facilities. 

Zakat Foundation of America is on the ground delivering aid to those in need. We have pledged half a million dollars to not only provide emergency aid but to help rebuild what has been lost to these torrential monsoon rains. 

We are delivering medical supplies and hygiene kits, which they are in dire need of due to the loss of the health care facilities. We are providing tents and floor mats to help with the temporary shelter, food, and clean drinking water. But more importantly, we are delivering hope to those that have lost so much.

However, relief work isn’t just about providing aid during a crisis. When the flood waters recede in Pakistan, Zakat Foundation of America will be there when the real work begins. We will continue our work providing education, food security, clean water, and orphan care.

We are also working on delivering health care with our Humanity Hospital & Medical Center in Lahore. This Humanity Hospital & Medical Center will provide compassionate, comprehensive health care focusing on heart-related diseases. This hospital will serve every patient with dignity, regardless of their ability to pay for services. The Medical Center will hold a service-over-fees model.

Help us to more for those impacted by these floods now and in the future by giving today.

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Published: September 13, 2022
Categories: Stories