Horn of Africa

In a State of Disarray and Hunger

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Imagine that your life and the lives of your children depended almost completely on the generosity and kindheartedness of donors who could afford to sustain you. This is the current plight of many drought victims in the Horn of Africa.

Here are some alarming statistics about the Horn of Africa crisis:

  • 100,000-150,000 refugees in Ethiopia

  • 500,000 refugees in Kenya

  • 27,000 internally displaced people in Somalia

The Dadaab camp in northeast Kenya was established in the 1990s to accommodate no more than 90,000 refugees. Today, over 450,000 refugees reside in the camp and it has become Kenya’s third largest city. Zakat Foundation of America has worked tirelessly since August to ease the famine in Somalia as well as in Ethiopia and Kenya.

Here are some of Zakat Foundation of America's accomplishments during the month of Ramadan:

  • First Muslim organization working in the Dadaab camp

  • Sent one 40-foot container of powdered milk and two 40-foot containers of rice to Somali refugees in Ethiopia Distributed food and water in the Dadaab camp

  • Provided Iftar meals to hundreds of families daily

  • First organization to distribute fresh meat

  • Established a permanent presence in the Dadaab camp

The situation in Somalia is catastrophic and has reached a scale not seen in 60 years. Innocent people die every day due to lack of food and thus starvation has been seen recently in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya. It has become increasingly obvious that the food crisis in Africa is a crisis for humanity.

You can support Zakat Foundation of America's efforts in Dadaab camp by going to our donations web page. Every donation helps to supply food for our brothers and sisters who do not know when or how they will get their next meal.

Published: October 31, 2011
Categories: Stories