How Your Qurbani Changed Lives in 2023

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What you give with good intentions can change someone’s life. It can even change a family’s life, or a community’s. And when you give qurbani (also called udhiyah), you do just that.

Qurbani commemorates the Prophet Ibrahim sacrifice, when at the last moment, an angel replaced his son with a ram. It’s a form of charitable giving that fosters compassion. 

The power of your qurbani donations in 2023

Many of the families your donations feed on Eid al-Adha do not eat meat for most or all of the year aside from on Eid and for other celebrations. They just can’t afford it, or they don’t have access to fresh, halal meat. Sometimes both, and other times they can afford it, but not regularly. When they do get a chance to have a meal with meat in it, they feel warm. They feel joy.

Take a look at how that joy shows differently among different groups of people. See how your qurbani changed lives in 2023.

Rohingya in India
Rohingya in India

Zakat Foundation of America promises healthy animals, slaughtered in a hygienic environment by local butchers, at the best rates. Help us ensure Muslims around the world enjoy the luxury of meat by supporting our livestock program. Zakat Foundation of America works with communities in dozens of countries to provide pairs of livestock for farmers and shepherds to raise. Then, as the animals grow and mate, the farmers and shepherds use their dairy products to feed their families and neighbors, selling their excess in local markets. Some of these farmers then sacrifice livestock in the days of Dhul Hijjah to allow donors like you to reach the needy in their communities through qurbani (udhiyah).

Donate today to support Zakat Foundation of America’s livestock program.

Published: August 7, 2023
Categories: Stories