In An Instant, Your Life Can Change

As the world faces catastrophes due to climate change, heartbreaking accidents like the recent Beirut explosion, and conflicts, we are reminded that nothing is guaranteed in life. The blessings of a family, clean water, & a roof over your head are things we can take for granted.

But, when these events happen, your life can change in an instant.

In An Instant, You Can Lose A Parent

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Did you know that every day, 10,000 children become orphaned? We consider a child who loses a parent or both to be an orphan. A child can lose a parent in an instant from war, natural disaster, or calamity. Can you imagine how vulnerable that child is? Orphans are more likely to face poverty, lack access to health resources, and education. That’s why we strive to provide care and assistance to those children who have lost their parents’ love and support, allowing them to thrive and receive an education. With our Orphan Care Program, we provide orphaned children with hope, love and prospects for the future. As the world orphan population mushrooms to at least 153 million, we have made greatly expanding our Orphan Sponsorship Program a top priority. Our program encompasses not only orphan sponsorship, but also includes an Orphan & Widow Fund and Orphanage Assistance. Care for children who can’t care for themselves.

In An Instant, You Can Lose Clean Water

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Imagine not having access to clean, safe water. Did you know that 200 million hours are spent collecting clean water by those without access to clean, safe water? Those 200 million hours add up to 8.3 million days or more than 22,800 years! Most of this water collection burden falls on children and women. Water collection takes time away from education or even prevents children from attending school at all. Not having access to clean, safe water can be deadly for children. More than 300,000 children under 5 die annually from diarrheal diseases due to poor sanitation, poor hygiene, or unsafe drinking water – over 800 per day. With our Water Program, we dig and install hand pumps and wells that provide a source of safe, clean water to communities worldwide. We teach water and sanitation awareness to communities and provide critical testing for arsenic contamination. If you give the gift of water, you can dedicate a handpump or well to a loved as a source of Sadaqah Jariyah.

In An Instant, Your Home Can Vanish

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The uncertainty and anguish that comes from losing a home due to climate disaster or violent conflict is immeasurable. This is the terrifying reality for so many. More than 1 billion people around the world are scared of losing their homes. Losing a home and more in a disaster or catastrophe can be devastating. With our Emergency Relief Program, we take your gifts of compassion and turn them into immediate relief in the form of emergency housing, protective shelter, food, and more. When disaster strikes, we are on the ground to provide relief immediately. And you can rest easy knowing that 100% of all donations to our Emergency Relief Program go directly to helping the afflicted.

Published: September 18, 2020
Categories: Stories