Instead of ‘Feeling Useless’ These Women Did Something for Gaza

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Moved by their concern over the suffering of Gazans under the bombardment that started July 8, college students Niveen Hilal and Sabrin Jaber decided to invite their friends to a small, intimate iftar fundraiser. They asked their mothers to provide the food.

Their intimate iftar raised $2,500 for Gaza relief efforts.

“I felt useless behind computer screens, reading up on the latest death toll in Gaza so I decided that the least I could do was send funds to Gaza to aid them with much-needed medical supplies,” Ms. Hilal said. “I knew my desire to create change rang through the community so we held a small Iftar and, Alhamdulillah, our friends and family responded.”

The 44 high-school- and college-age women who attended listened attentively to Zakat Foundation of America staffer, Leena Suleiman, before donating generously.

“I loved looking out and seeing all the friends coming together to have iftar and fundraise for this pressing cause,” Ms. Suleiman said. “We need to do all we can to help, and we have to stay hopeful.”

Space for the event was donated by American Muslims for Palestine, whose office is located near Chicago.

Published: July 29, 2014
Categories: Stories