Join Pakistan Relief Efforts to Reach Flood Victims

Zakat Foundation of America has launched a $50,000 emergency relief campaign in Pakistan in response to recent floods. Pakistan has been hit with three times the normal amount of rain and it is estimated the floods could last months.

With our strong partnerships and our experience in the region we have the potential to reach many people who are in desperate need:

There are still survivors who are at this moment trapped and dying
Children are suffering from or are at risk of contracting diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis, and malaria
Marooned communities are exposed to the sun and without drinking water and some have been without help for a month and a half

The flood victims wait and ask themselves, when will the relief efforts equal the scale of their tragedy? Join our campaign so these victims do not lie awake at night wondering if and when help might come.

Zakat Foundation of America's relief efforts build on our sustained work over the last year in Pakistan, which began when we sent a team to distribute basic necessities immediately following the August 2010 floods. Since then we have shipped three containers with hygiene products, medical supplies, wheelchairs, clothing, blankets, and bicycles to the most needy areas.

As a result of the most recent floods, more than 17 million people have been affected:

  • 1.2 million houses have been destroyed

  • 6 million people are trapped in the south of the country

  • 4.5 million acres of land were destroyed

  • 2 million people are suffering from flood-related disease

  • 750,000 people live in temporary housing

  • 60,000 cows died or disappeared

Time is of the essence. Please do not wait to join the relief efforts. Donate today.

Published: October 31, 2011
Categories: Press Clippings