Join the Prayer of the Oppressed at ISNA 53

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The 53rd annual Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention will be held this weekend from September 2-5, 2016. Zakat Foundation of America will be present with a booth on the bazaar floor to fundraise for current humanitarian campaigns including Udhiya/Qurbani distribution, education for Syrian youth, rebuilding homes in Gaza, as well as numerous other programs such as orphan sponsorship and sadaqa jariyah.

Zakat Foundation of America will also be launching the new #100Prayers campaign at the booth on Friday right after Jumu’ah prayers. The #100Prayers campaign is based around the Prayer of the Oppressed, a powerful du’a (supplication) dating back centuries and dedicated to victims of oppression everywhere. The event is meant to raise awareness of collective struggles around the world and inspire other communities to start their own Prayer of the Oppressed events. Shaykh Jihad Brown will lead the prayer and Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s translation of the text will also be sold at Zakat Foundation of America’s booth

Published: August 30, 2016
Categories: Stories