Emergency Spotlight

Karachi Drowns in Record Rains

Torrential monsoon rains have flooded Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi, killing tens of people, mostly the elderly and disabled. Some have drowned in their homes, others electrocuted under damaged power lines, and others caught under collapsing infrastructure.

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The heavy rains are ten times the monthly average and the highest seen in a single day since record keeping began almost a century ago. The country’s infrastructure, especially it’s water drainage systems, are not equipped to handle nor recover from such powerful flood waters.

This city-wide destruction has exacerbated an already dire situation as Karachi’s most vulnerable face the global COVID-19 pandemic. They can no longer shelter-in-place while their homes have been destroyed; rather they’re left with no choice but to flee through roads that've become like rivers to reach shelters where social distancing is an unlikely option, making the rise and spread of disease an inevitable threat. The needs are only expected to increase; even as the floods recede and the news reports move on to the next sensational story, the people are left to piece their lives back together again. That’s why Zakat Foundation stays on the scene, delivering your support, until the affected are uplifted and on their feet again.

Your continued support will help us to provide basic needs in this critical time, including food and hygiene relief packages. Donate Now Please send your support today, and stay tuned for updates.

Zakat Foundation has been in Pakistan since its inception 20 years ago. Our partners are on the ground in Karachi assessing the needs and preparing for swift relief to those most affected.

Published: September 2, 2020
Categories: Stories