Khalil Center

An Inside Look

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Zakat Foundation of America is the founding funder of Khalil Center, a psychological and spiritual community wellness center designed to address the widespread prevalence of social, psychological, familial, relational and spiritual issues of Muslim communities using a faith-based approach rooted in traditional Islamic concepts while integrating the science of modern psychology. The Center offers a broad range of services including therapy, counseling, psychiatric out-patient services, education, training and a crisis hotline.

With clinics located in Chicagoland, Bay Area/San Francisco, and recently expanded to Los Angeles, New York City and Toronto, services focus on psychological reconstruction, behavioral reformation and spiritual elevation.

The Center has delivered 60,000 therapy sessions and treated 8,000 patients total since its establishment in 2010 — 50 percent of them in the last three years, indicating a rapid growth and demand as awareness of the service spreads to new communities. In 2018, the centers treated more than 900 new clients, and 205 via Web Therapy.

Last year alone, Khalil Center’s professional staff conducted community mental health awareness and education programs reaching more than 4,500 beneficiaries while training 170 community leaders, imams, educators and counselors with first responders’ mental health training so they can be the first line of defense in our communities.

Volunteers and hours of service for the crisis hotline have been increased and have effectively saved the lives of callers ready to attempt suicide.

Clients in financial need receive counseling services at no cost to them through Zakat Foundation funding.

Published: April 9, 2019
Categories: Photos & Videos