A Letter of Gratitude from the Philippines

November 7, 2011
Lanipao, Iligan City

United States of America

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam:

ASSALMU ALALIKUM WARAKHMATULLAHI WABARATUHU: I am Cairoden D. Gandawali one of your poor brothers in this remote part of Iligan City. Our place is about 18 kilometers from the city proper with a single road artery though passable but could not be considered as “all weather”.

Our community recieved one (1) carabao and some amount for this year's celebration of our day of sacrafice (Ed'l Adha) from your foundation through the generosity of Atty. Vicente U. Saavedra, lawyer-physician who has been instrumental as our contact person. This has elated not only me but also the entire members of our community for this is the first time in our life that we were afforded the feeling of being part of the big Islamic family.

I am very much grateful to Allah Subhanahu Wataallah for giving us this blessing through your group. Now, we can say that Islam is UNIVERSAL. We are part of the Ummah that brothers and sisters like you in other countries are also much concerned about us.

I must be candid that our community is 95% Muslim almost all of whom fall within the poverty level that to be afforded with your Zadkah is a priviledge considering our distance. Now I am assure that Islam is flourishing in the world not only as a religion but also as a way of life. I am sure that my personal feelings today are being shared by all the members of our community. May Allah continue to shower his blessings and mercy to you and the Muslim Ummah. Our main source of livelihood is farming which has not improved our plight.

I wish to personally thank you and on behalf of our community as one of the leaders being the Barangay Captain, including my family for this rare privilege part of the Islamic Ummah.

Thank you and Wassalam,
Your Brother in Faith

Published: November 30, 2011
Categories: Press Clippings