Making Dreams a Reality at RUMI International School in Pakistan

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Meet Javed. Javed is in the 9th grade in Haripur, Pakistan, and has three brothers and one sister. Javed’s father, Jura, died in a bombing in 2001. Having lost their father and the family breadwinner, Javed’s family had no idea where to turn. Once he was old enough, Javed’s eldest brother went to Iran to look for a job but has had no luck. Javed’s mother and sister weave carpets at home and are able to earn some money, but just barely enough.

Education seemed like a luxury until Javed’s family heard about Rumi International School. Javed and his siblings enrolled in the school and, Alhumdulillah, have been given the opportunity to receive a quality education that will forever change their lives. “RUMI International School provided us a light of hope to continue our study,” Javed says. Zakat Foundation of America educates children in need through schools like Rumi International School.

The school currently has 595 students enrolled. Each student has a story similar to Javed’s and all of them are now getting an education through support from Zakat Foundation of America.

Rumi International School is able to provide children like Javed and his siblings a life very different from the one they might have had. Instead of serving tea or washing dishes in the back of a restaurant, Javed and his siblings are able to get the education they need to grow up to be intelligent adults.

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Published: December 28, 2012
Categories: Stories