Our Virtual Zakat Resource Center

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Zakat, one of the foundational pillars of Islam, implores Muslims to give alms to those in need. This practice has stood the test of time and has remained an obligation that many throughout the world religiously adhere to. Even though this established practice is performed by Muslims worldwide, there are still questions and concerns with how to properly calculate one's monetary obligation.

For over two decades, Zakat Foundation of America has been the leading source for all Zakat-related questions and concerns. Thousands of Muslims have entrusted our organization to assist them in carrying out this sanctified practice. There are many ways the Zakat Resource Center can help you navigate the road of selfless giving through its seven topical sections:

  1. Zakat Calculator: If you have questions on how to calculate your obligation, we are here to assist you. Our easy online calculator is user-friendly and will generate quick results using your comprehensive net assets. 

  2. Zakat Handbook: Our handbook thoroughly discusses and answers the most tedious questions concerning zakat calculation. From social justice regarding Zakat to proper distribution, our organization has compiled a well-researched guide to assist you in more ways than one.

  3. Zakat Essentials: At Zakat Foundation of America, we can answer both your basic and complex questions regarding Zakat. At the Zakat Resource Center, we dive deep into the realm of zakatable wealth and who can receive it. This ensures you fully understand who is benefiting from your generous donations. 

  4. Zakatable Wealth Checklist: Anything that is Zakat-related we have laid it out in a straightforward, easy-to-read platform. This section assists you in fully understanding what it is you are obligated to pay Zakat on. 

  5. Zakat & Business: If you have acquired wealth through investments or businesses the  Zakat Resource Center is available to assist you. Our thoroughly-researched topics delve deep into managing your business assets while ensuring you fulfill your religious obligations.

  6. Zakat Conditions & Calculation: Here, we answer common questions about when zakat becomes obligatory on a Muslim, what the minimum zakat threshold (nisab) is and how these apply to one’s assets.

Zakat or Sadaqah?: This final section discusses, sadaqah, or voluntary charity and key differences between it and zakat.

Published: July 24, 2024
Categories: Stories