Pakistan Flood Relief Continues in Sindh Province

pakistan relief flood 2011  large

Monsoon rains have ravaged Pakistan for the second straight year. This disaster has primarily affected the Sindh Province, located in southeastern Pakistan.

The greatest casualties are the people. This year's flooding affected 8 million people, while 20 million still attempt to piece together their lives from the 2010 flood. A startling 1.4 million homes have been uprooted, claiming the lives of 300 people, mainly women and children.

When the floods resumed this August 2011, many relief workers were cut off from the affected areas. Over 2.8 million acres of land were destroyed due to excessive flooding, while 120,000 cattle have perished. The dangers intensify as the threat of cholera spreads through the water. Thousands of people risk the possibility of contracting the disease through contaminated water and food.

Zakat Foundation of America has started rebuilding lives through flood relief. Zakat Foundation of America has distributed rice, wheat flour, and sugar, as well as other non-perishable items. We urge you, our committed donors, to continue our efforts in Pakistan through your generous donations.

Help Now Learn more about work in Pakistan to help flood victims in 2022 here.

Published: November 10, 2011
Categories: Stories