Serving Hundreds of Thousands this Ramadan

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During the blessed month of Ramadan the bounties of Allah fell like rain on rich and poor alike. Many shared generously of their wealth, however limited, so that the poor could be relieved of their suffering since others were Serving Hundreds of Thousands this Ramadan.

Through this generosity Zakat Foundation of America delivered more than 1.7 million meals to more than 100,000 families in more than 36 countries during the month of Ramadan. In addition to providing warm meals and food packages, Zakat Foundation of America sheltered Syrian refugees and gave Eid outfits to hundreds of orphans and children throughout the world.

As part of its ongoing sustainable development efforts, Zakat Foundation of America unveiled two new signature programs in Bangladesh, giving away sewing machines to graduates of its seamstress course, and 100 rickshaws to slum-dwelling families. The goal of these programs is to empower the poorest families by providing them with a means of escape from poverty.

On behalf of all who received a warm Iftar, a food package, a new outfit, a safe place to rest or a new livelihood during Ramadan, and from all of us at Zakat Foundation of America, thank you for your kind charity.

Published: September 5, 2013
Categories: Stories