Sincere Thanks to the Archdiocese of Chicago and Catholic Community

This past Ramadan, Zakat Foundation of America hosted an iftar for the Archdiocese of Chicago, Blase Cupich, and the Chicagoland Catholic community. Zakat Foundation of America recently received a letter from The Very Rev. Thomas A. Baima on behalf of Archbishop Cupich expressing their gratitude to Zakat Foundation of America and the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) for holding an event “which created a very warm and welcoming atmosphere.”

Rev. Thomas writes, “In the few days following this year’s Iftar we have received numerous responses from Catholics describing the event as “enlightening” and expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to make “friends with good people.” He also added there are “benefits of bringing together our two communities to nurture friendship and mutual respect.” Zakat Foundation of America is delighted to have provided a platform for this to happen.

Zakat Foundation of America would again like to thank the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Chicagoland Catholic community for joining the Muslim community in breaking bread during the holiest month of the year.

Published: July 21, 2016
Categories: Stories