Sponsor of 53rd Annual ISNA Convention

Zakat Foundation of America was a proud sponsor of the 53rd annual Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention, one of the largest Muslim American gatherings held annually right outside of Chicago in Rosemont, Illinois.

This year, Zakat Foundation of America began ISNA weekend with the Prayer of the Oppressed, a communal recitation of a powerful du’a (supplication) dating back to the 15th century. The event was held in solidarity with all persecuted communities of the world. The recitation was read in Arabic and translated in English by Shaykh Jihad Brown. This was the launch of the new #100Prayers campaign which encourages communities everywhere to mobilize their very own Prayer of the Oppressed readings in hopes of collectively reaching 100 prayers. For more details on how you can organize your own Prayer of the Oppressed event, contact [email protected].

In addition, Zakat Foundation of America was campaigning for the back-to-school program where donors could package supplies for inner-city youth while simultaneously supporting schools for Syrian refugees overseas. One of the highlights of the weekend was when Zakat Foundation of America colleagues donned cow and sheep costumes to represent the current Udhiya/Qurbani campaign, quickly winning over the hearts of children and families alike. While ISNA has ended, you can still donate your Udhiya/Qurbani and sponsor a student’s education today. Find more pictures from ISNA weekend on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Published: September 7, 2016
Categories: Stories