Sustaining Education as a Sadaqah Jariyah


September 27, 2024

Gaining a fruitful education is a blessing for both an individual and their family which extends far beyond the classroom. The life skills and factual knowledge gained can help end cycles of poverty, inspire younger members of one’s community to improve themselves and light the path to a new future for one’s loved ones.

But how does helping others gain access to education factor in Islamic giving? And what special type of sadaqah does this act of generosity entail? Read on to find out:

What Is a Sadaqah Jariyah?

Within the realm of voluntary charity, or sadaqah, in Islam, the charity known as sadaqah jariyah holds a special place.

Sadaqah jariyah translates into English from Arabic as “ongoing charity” and is any act of charity whose benefits carry on after the giver’s passing. In Islam, sadaqah jariyah carries a twofold benefit of continually reaching those in need after one’s death, but also spiritually rewards the donor in the heavenly realm. Examples include helping to build a hospital which continues to cure patients for generations, providing a source of clean water (such as a water well or hand pump) for a disadvantaged community, and more. 

For the world’s Muslims, sadaqah jariyah represents a highly desirable way to impact one’s local and global communities in both the short and long term. 

How Can Supporting Education Be a Sadaqah Jariyah?

Supporting the education of someone in need can result in many forms of ongoing benefits.

When a child’s education is supported, they grow up to utilize those skills (whether in work, life, religion, etc.) to benefit themselves and those around them, like their family and local community. They also grow up to share and pass on those skills to others, creating a ripple effect to even wider circles.

Similarly, when an adult learner is given the chance to go back to school or further their education beyond the general education or undergraduate levels, they get a new chance at boosting their earning potential for themselves. This has even more profound effects if they are the head of a family and can help foster better circumstances for them or train their spouse and children in what they learned.

Helping provide education for both children and adult learners can be a powerful way for your sadaqah to make a difference and strengthen generations to come.

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Published: September 27, 2024
Categories: Stories