Thank You for Chasing Hunger Away Worldwide

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For some, hunger is a friend who visits for 30 blessed days every year. For others it is an enemy who will not leave.

"My problems are endless," Ethiopian grandmother Habiba Mohammed lamented. "Hunger is my daily enemy."

But when a Zakat Foundation of America representative knocked at her door with a Ramadan food package, the 85-year-old woman who described herself as "the poorest of the poor," won her battle with hunger for a time.

"Oh my son," Ms. Mohammed gushed, "Today you blessed me with food that not only will satisfy my appetite, but will chase hunger away from me not for days or weeks, but months!"

Every Ramadan, generous donors like you and the food packages you give allow the poorest of the poor around the world sit down to Iftar and receive the comfort and hope of warm, filling meals. And in return you receive the multiplied blessings of the holy month, and the gratitude and prayers of those you have helped.

In 2001 Zakat Foundation of America delivered Ramadan food aid for the first time in Pakistan and Afghanistan, giving families who struggled to feed their children, the sick and elderly, and those who had fasted all day in obedience to God's law, a food package enabling them to restore their strength.

Now culturally appropriate food packages are distributed in 40 countries every Ramadan thanks to the compassion of Zakat Foundation of America donors. For only $50 you can send a food package that will feed a family who needs it for one month. For a mere $60 you can help serve a warm, nourishing Iftar to 20 people who may not otherwise be able to break their fast.

Although you may be hungry today, thank you for chasing away the hunger of those in need around the world. May God reward you many times over.

Published: July 6, 2014
Categories: Stories