UN Representative in Mali Thanks Zakat Foundation of America

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Letter from Representative of the UN at Mali Refugee Camps

Dear Zakat Foundation of America,

We write to you once again to thank Zakat Foundation of America for assistance provided to Malian refugees living in Burkina Faso. Zakat Foundation of America has visited our refugee camp countless times to help the Malian refugees. During the holy days of Tabaski [term used for Udhiya/Qurbani in Mali] Zakat Foundation of America provided every family with a sheep to sacrifice during the days of Eid ul-Adha. Every time Zakat Foundation of America comes to assist us, you ask us what our most urgent and vital needs are and then provide us with what we have requested. Milk, tea and sugar are considered indispensable food items for the Malian refugees and no other NGO (non-governmental organization) has fulfilled this request. During your last visit, Zakat Foundation of America distributed these staple items to Malian refugees, providing men, women and children with milk, tea and sugar which we consider to be basic necessities. These items are more important to the Malian refugees than any other food.

Dear partners at Zakat Foundation of America, we thank you infinitely and ask God all-powerful to accept your sacrifices and to reward you a hundredfold.

United Nations Refugee Secretary of External Relations,

Issa Ag Agalas

Published: December 19, 2012
Categories: Stories