Volunteer Feature Series

Everyone Can Make A Difference

Salaam Learning Center
As-salaamu alaykum!

Everyone Can Make A Difference

My name is Hanan Eassa, and I am the principal of Salaam Learning Center in Tinley Park, Illinois. With Zakat Foundation of America’s (Zakat Foundation of America) help, we put together two fundraisers for our students, families, and friends to participate in during our second semester. The students were each given a large envelope to be

in charge of their own collecting. This is to encourage them to involve the community in fundraising events, especially ones that are close to our hearts.

It is important for the students to understand how lucky we are to have clean, accessible water and a roof over our heads. At the same time our brothers and sisters overseas in Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere are struggling for basic necessities. One of our core teachings at Salaam Learning Center is about charity and how rewarding it can be both in this life and the next to help those in need.

Water Wells in Africa

We raised enough money to successfully build multiple water wells in Africa and enough money to rebuild homes in Gaza. I am grateful to be given the opportunity to work with a trustworthy organization to ensure these funds are delivered to their intended locations. There is no feeling greater than knowing you have helped someone in need. Our school works with various organizations every year to support different areas of need around the world. We hope to continue these efforts, InshaAllah.

We have a dedicated wall in our school for pictures of the results from our fundraising events. We do this to share with our community so that everyone can see and feel the success of even their smallest donation. I was inspired to do these fundraisers because I love to take advantage of any opportunities to help those in need. I also wanted to share this beautiful ajer (reward) with our students and our community.

Through these efforts, I hope to teach our children the importance of sadaqa (charity). To show how everyone can make a difference to help our brothers and sisters around the world. We must continue to show our students the true meaning of Islam and all the positives and beauty that can come from a simple good deed.

Mrs. Hanan Eassa
Salaam Learning Center
Tinley Park, Illinois

Published: July 12, 2017
Categories: Stories