Winter Relief Photos in Lebanon

Thanks to your generous contribution to our winter relief program, we have reached vulnerable Syrian refugee families living in refugee camps in Aarsal whose lives are filled with hardship and dangerous living conditions. The families are truly thankful for the much-needed winter relief items they received during this harsh economic crisis. 

The most vulnerable are in desperate need of any kind of assistance since their lives have become a constant struggle to survive. This winter, we were able to provide families warmth and a sense of relief for a little while. 

Because of the economic crisis, the prices have been skyrocketing. Many Syrian refugees are no longer able to afford their basic needs. Many refugees have been resorting to burning plastic and nylon in their heaters to stay warm. Thanks to you, we provided 240 families with fuel, 61 heaters for 61 families, 100 blankets and mattresses to 100 families, 56 plastic sheets for 56 families, and gravel placed in the camp. We also distributed 62 shoes and wool kits to 62 kids each, and 115 food parcels to 115 families that lasted at least a month.

Published: December 14, 2022
Categories: Photos & Videos