World Malaria Day Is April 25, 2012

Nearly one in four childhood deaths in Africa is caused by malaria. Yet it is a preventable and curable disease.

April 25th was designated World Malaria Day to raise awareness of this deadly disease that kills so many people, especially young children.

Some facts about malaria:

  • Caused by parasites transmitted to people through mosquito bites

  • Caused an estimated 655,000 deaths in 2010, mostly among African children

  • Kills a child every minute in Africa

  • About half of the world's population is at risk of malaria

  • Exists in over 100 countries

Increased malaria prevention and control measures, such as insecticides, mosquito nets, and the removal of mosquito breeding grounds (stagnant water) do markedly reduce malaria's toll.

After the recent floods in Uganda, Zakat Foundation of America distributed nearly 3,000 mosquito nets to help prevent a malaria outbreak. This is one example of Zakat Foundation of America's commitment to prevent the spread of malaria.

The encouraging news is that in the last decade the overall child mortality rates have fallen by approximately 20 percent. Please donate today to be part of the solution in eradicating this worldwide problem, and to reach our goal of removing the threat of malaria from our children's lives.

Published: April 2, 2012
Categories: Stories