Yemen Faces Humanitarian Disaster

Since the start of the war in Yemen, the civilian death toll has been rising and the casualties of children only add to the brutality of this bloody conflict.

Zakat Foundation of America’s (Zakat Foundation of America) local partner on the ground has been distributing food packages within the neighborhoods of Altahrir, Assafiyah, Al Andalussi and Sawan in the capital Sana and to families who are stranded around the region of Hadramawt, an area where thousands of refugees have sought refuge in the midst of tight security measures and the dangers faced by their representatives. The situation is of such peril that the Zakat Foundation of America partner was unable to record footage during distribution in the region.

Zakat Foundation of America has launched its initial emergency response to provide immediate food assistance to the affected populations, the distribution of food packages consisted of flour, sugar, Bulgar, rice and addition to other basic items. Many areas of Yemen have been left with no access to water for days at a time due to continuous airstrikes and food has also been very scarce.

In the face of this human tragedy unfolding in Yemen, your generous support will enable Zakat Foundation of America to stand by the Yemeni people in need. In line with its humanitarian mission, Zakat Foundation of America will continue to provide support to those suffering in Yemen for as long as assistance is needed. The latest news and updates on the progress of Zakat Foundation of America’s humanitarian efforts in Yemen will be posted online periodically.

Published: April 30, 2015
Categories: Stories