Your Ramadan Gift Already at Her Doorstep

Nazmunissa's Story

nazmunissa story profile

Meet Nazmunnisa, a 34-year-old single mother living in the slum area of Karnataka, India. After seven years of marriage and giving birth to her third child, her abusive husband became intolerable and she divorced him.

She had nothing, but she trusted God would provide.

Her poor and elderly parents gave her what they could: a small room without proper facilities to live in with her three daughters. Right away, Nazmunnisa got to work, determined to provide for her children. Today, two years later, she earns a meager income working every day of the week as a housemaid. Some nights, the earnings are enough for a meal. Some nights, her children go hungry. And most nights, Nazmunnisa eats close to nothing, giving her portions to her children instead.

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But her empty stomach isn’t as painful as the way her heart breaks when she has nothing to give her children. “I don’t know what to do when they tell me, ‘Ammi (mommy) we are hungry,’” she told us.

“This is a situation that can make a mother crazy. Seeing children starving and having no means to feed them is the worst thing a human being can experience.”

In Ramadan, the situation grows more difficult — market prices rise and food grows more scarce. And on Eid, Nazmunnisa and her children find little joy. “When Eid comes, we feel depressed,” she said. “There are no sweets, gifts, and new clothes. After seeing the other kids in our area, my kids come to me and cry — but I am helpless.”

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Zakat Foundation volunteers identified Nazmunnisa and her children as in need and recently delivered a Ramadan food pack. This year, the family is able to enjoy Ramadan more fully because they received a food package of rice, wheat flour, lentils, sugar, and more.

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“I am so happy! This is the first time I am seeing such a large quantity of grains. This Ramadan food package means a lot to me,” she said. “Hopefully I can use a little of the money saved to cover other basic needs.” She hoped that maybe — just maybe — the savings would be enough to buy her children new clothes for Eid.

Where there was worry, now there is provision. Where there was helplessness, now there is hope.

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Thanks to your generous donations, countless families like Nazmunnisa’s now have a meal to come home to and break their fast with.

“All I would like to say is to thank the donors of Zakat Foundation of America for the wonderful job they are doing for us vulnerable people throughout the world,” she said. “We pray for them and their donors and wish them the best in this life and Paradise in the hereafter.”

Published: May 20, 2019
Categories: Stories