Zahraa University Graduation

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Zakat Foundation of America’s Zahraa University – exclusively for Turkey’s Syrian refugees – awarded bachelor’s degrees July 27 to its first graduating class, before a packed audience of dignitaries and scholars from across the world, NGO officers, and student loved ones.

“Today, you graduates have come to know – far better than most – the meaning of sacrifice for education and discipline,” said Mustafa Müslïm, university president and rector. “We are so proud of your success and devotion. This is our moment to thank you.”

Zahraa’s 35 recipients, all Syrian refugees, advanced more than their careers when they took hold of their degrees. They validated the university founders’ vision. Host countries build a better future – for victims of violence and their own societies and regions – by committing to educate rather than obstruct children of forced migration.

Published: September 7, 2018
Categories: Photos & Videos