Zakat Foundation of America Initiates Chicagoans For Texas Relief Effort with the ‘Caravan of Love'

CHICAGO, SEPTEMBER 7, 2017 -- In response to the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, Zakat Foundation of America mobilized an emergency relief response team.

On Saturday September 2, 2017, Zakat Foundation of America hosted an event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., reaching out to the Chicagoland community for assistance. Hundreds of volunteers and community members gathered items to give to Hurricane Harvey victims.

Zakat Foundation of America sent a truck envoy carrying humanitarian aid to support communities affected by the hurricane. The “Caravan of Love” departed the Zakat Foundation of America parking lot on Sunday, September 3, and arrived in Houston late Monday afternoon.

“A lot of people lost everything. I can’t imagine what it looked like before we got here,” said Donna Demir, Zakat Foundation of America Health Advisor, who joined the group of volunteers traveling with aid.

Zakat Foundation of America made stops in more than six areas, including a Latino refugee center. Many mosques were used as distribution centers, bringing together communities of all faiths and ethnicities.

What the people of Houston need most is for people to remember they’re there, Zakat Foundation of America Executive Director, Halil Demir said. They need tools and supplies to get through this disaster.

“We do our part through disaster relief, backpack distributions and other U.S. programs because we do feel we have an obligation to help those closest to us,” Mr. Demir said.

Photos and videos of the trip were posted on Facebook and YouTube daily.

For an ongoing list of items, and to donate, please visit our website at


Founded in 2001, Zakat Foundation of America helps generous and caring people reach out to those in need. Zakat Foundation of America’s mission is to address immediate needs and ensure the self-reliance of the poorest people around the world. Zakat Foundation of America conducts humanitarian assistance programs in more than 50 countries. For more information, please visit

Published: September 11, 2017
Categories: Press Releases