Zakat Foundation Awarded for Foster Child Support


WAKE COUNTY, NC – North Carolina’s Wake County has recognized Zakat Foundation of America for “making the needs of Foster Care and Child Welfare a focus of your community outreach” at its recent Annual Faith Partner Appreciation Luncheon.

“When I have reached out to you, you have responded and made the life of a child and family better,” said Nikki Lyons, Human Services Consultant, in conferring the award. “You have helped us recruit and support foster parents. Thank you.”

Zakat Foundation became the first Muslim organization to support foster care services in the state, according to Nagwa Hassan, executive assistant of Child Welfare Services.

"It is so comforting to know that no matter what I'm going through, I know that you will be there for me," wrote one foster child recipient, thanking supporters for their donations and gifts in a letter read at the gathering by Social Worker Sonya West.

The March 6 appreciation event honored faith-based groups contributing to placing more than 600 foster children with families.

The “99 Orphan Team,” Zakat Foundation’s volunteer group spearheading the Muslim foster child support effort in Wake, continues its work with a major drive to provide socks, underwear, and pajamas for the county’s program kids.

“We’ve had quite a few refugee families resettle here in the past year,” said Nayma Kose, Zakat Foundation program manager for North Carolina.

About 20 Syrian and 30 Rohingya refugee families now reside in Wake County, along with some 10 Iraqi families.

“First we helped create awareness in the Muslim community about the need for foster parents for Muslim children through information sessions.” Every interested foster parent candidate then completes a training program to qualify.

Wake County, the state’s second most populous at 1.25 million, includes the state capital Raleigh and, as the home of North Carolina State University, anchors one corner of its Research Triangle.

Send your generous gifts for refugee families and foster children here.

Published: March 30, 2018
Categories: Stories