Zakat Foundation of America brings another 35,000 lbs. of fresh food to St. Louis area

press release 6 24 20

ST. LOUIS (June 24, 2020) — Zakat Foundation of America will deliver about 35,000 pounds of fresh produce to Lovejoy Temple Church of God in Christ this Thursday, June 25.

The distribution — set to be held from noon to 6 p.m. at 511 Canal St., Brooklyn, IL 62059 — directs support to one of the poorest parts of the East St. Louis area. Anyone may attend, as Zakat Foundation does not ask one’s religion or race before serving, seeking only to help those who could use a hand.

This comes in the wake of Zakat Foundation sending such fresh-food deliveries to America’s impoverished areas, including Minneapolis’ hard-hit and grieving neighborhoods, food desserts in Chicago as well as low-income communities in New York city and Oakland. The international humanitarian aid organization has delivered more than 850,000 pounds of fresh food in the United States within the past 30 days, also totaling about 1 million pounds of food relief since beginning COVID-19 relief in March.

These fruit-and-vegetable distributions, often supplemented with personal protective equipment (PPE), are the organization’s humble way of easing emotional and financial burdens in a country weeping for unity.

“I’m happy to help the community by providing them fresh produce boxes in these difficult days,” said Umar Mamakhov, Zakat Foundation regional development specialist in the St. Louis area.


When: June 25, noon to 6 p.m.
Where: Lovejoy Temple Church of God in Christ, 511 Canal St., Brooklyn, IL 62059
Additional contact: Umar Mamakhov, Regional Development Specialist, call 1(314) 229-0994

Published: June 24, 2020
Categories: Press Releases