The Zakat Foundation of America Delegation’s Visit to the Republic of Guinea

From left to right: Zakat Foundation of America Focal Point, SG/Vice-Minister, Zakat Foundation of America Country Representative, Chief of the Minister's Cabinet, and Zakat Foundation of America Program Manager
From left to right: Zakat Foundation of America Focal Point, SG/Vice-Minister, Zakat Foundation of America Country Representative, Chief of the Minister's Cabinet, and Zakat Foundation of America Program Manager

As part of the working visit from July 28 to August 3, 2024 to the Republic of Guinea, the Zakat Foundation of America delegation led by Ms. Ndiaye Mariam Coulibaly, Country Representative, was received on Monday, July 29, 2024, in audience at the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization. The Minister, having planned to receive the delegation, was called upon to change his schedule given emergencies that arose during the weekend. He therefore mandated his SG / Vice-Minister, Mr. Mohamed Sikhé Camara to meet the Zakat Foundation of America delegation. This one was accompanied by Mr. François Gono Conde, Chief of the Minister's Cabinet.

The discussions focused on the agreement establishing Zakat Foundation of America in the Republic of Guinea, and the extension of its activities throughout the Country. In her speech, the Country Representative briefly presented Zakat Foundation of America, its principles and main areas of intervention, as well as the actions it has been carrying out for 10 years in the administrative region of Kankan, specifically in Siguiri, Kankan and Kouroussa.

"Zakat Foundation of America is an international non-profit organization, founded in 2001 in Chicago, USA. Its actions are based on Muslim charity in order to enable thousands of generous people to optimize their zakat to help people in need or in difficulty, whatever their confession, race, and color ...", she explained. Talking about the areas of intervention of the organization, she mentioned that it had several programs through which it provides care for orphaned and vulnerable children, medical care at the community level, makes food donations, finances income-generating activities, and provides support during wars, floods, and drought, etc.

Ms. Ndiaye then announced that since 2014, Zakat Foundation of America has been donating food and meat in the prefectures of Siguiri, Kankan and Kouroussa during Muslim celebrations (Eid Ul Fitr, Udhiyah/Qurbani). Actions that have so far recorded around 20,000 direct and indirect beneficiaries for an estimated amount of 1,336,431,601 GNF (i.e. 101,159,511 FCFA). These actions, she added, would not have been possible without the support of the prefectural authorities and the Embassy of the Republic of Guinea in Mali.

After listening attentively, Mr. Mohamed Sikhé Camara, Secretary General of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, praised the actions carried out by Zakat Foundation of America for the benefit of the population and that of Upper Guinea in particular, a gesture that supports the government's efforts in the fight against poverty, while contributing to promoting food sovereignty. "We welcome this noble and salutary initiative with open arms; on behalf of the Minister, we assure you of our commitment to do everything possible to enable you to operate in a formal framework, and to extend your activities throughout the country for the well-being of our populations.", he said.

For this working visit, the Zakat Foundation of America Country Representative was accompanied by Mr. Nouhoum Diakite, Program Manager, Mr. Almamy Tounkara, Zakat Foundation of America Focal Point in Guinea, and Mr. Ibrahima Dia, Communications Officer.

Published: August 5, 2024
Categories: Stories