Zakat Foundation of America Builds Center for Traumatized Syrian Children

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Zakat Foundation of America has recently joined in the restoration and renovation of the Volunteer Fellowship Center for Syrian children in the countryside of Homs. Located in the town of Talbisah, badly damaged by massive aerial assault, the Center gives local children suffering post-traumatic stress a physical education facility designed to alleviate the damaging emotional strain that war inflicts on all children.

“Just seeing this kind of child-focused exercise and sports center built in their midst is therapeutic for children who have almost exclusively known destruction,” said Halil Demir, Zakat Foundation’s executive director. “Its special programming, deliberately centered on camaraderie and constructive, cooperative play and training – meets some very important psychological needs for these pained young souls.”

Zakat Foundation – along with its project partners Jam‘iyyah Fluka Al-Hurriyyah (The Ark of Freedom Association) and Basmat Amal (Smile of Hope) – has also furnished student desks for the newly built Center’s general education classes, developed for children whose schooling has been interrupted by war.

Zakat Foundation remains committed to meeting the needs of the Volunteer Fellowship Center’s youth, and more broadly to the nurturing of Syria’s beleaguered children through orphan sponsorship, education, healthcare, refugee settlement, and emergency relief.

Click here to support mental health care for Syrian children suffering post-traumatic stress due to war.

Published: April 4, 2018
Categories: Stories