Zakat Foundation of America Community Center Open House

Zakat Foundation of America is proud to announce that its Chicago Community Center, located at 1759 E.75th Street, is off to a great start.

The Community Center offers a number of classes to local residents including Arabic and English language classes, Math tutoring and Career Workshops.

It also runs free social service programs including Mentoring, Employment, Health Awareness and a Community Garden, all of which are currently underway at the new Community Center.

The August 26, Community Center Open House had a great turnout, despite the rainy weather. A number of residents from the surrounding neighborhoods, the Chicago interfaith community and people from all over the west and north side of Chicago weathered the storm and came out to support the Zakat Foundation of America Community Center.

During the Open House, community members were introduced to the Zakat Foundation of America Community Center staff, volunteers and Executive Director, Khalil Demir, sharing future plans for the Community Center. We also served BBQ and shared fresh vegetables from the Zakat Foundation of America Community Garden with Open House guests.

Our volunteer staff and the Zakat Foundation of America Community Center Director, Laila Muhammad, presented an Islamic Cultural Expression Program that included a live band, poetry, vocals and spoken word. During the Open House, we were able to distribute about 100 backpacks to school children through the Zakat Foundation of America Backpack Program.

Alhumdulillah, the Zakat Foundation of America Community Center Open House was an overwhelming success and with Allah’s (swt) help, we hope the Community Center serves as a place of learning and service for the city of Chicago.

Published: September 10, 2012
Categories: Stories