Zakat Foundation of America’s (Zakat Foundation of America) office in Turkey distributed wheelchairs to disabled Syrian refugees in Reyhanli last month in an effort to assist people disabled by war regain some mobility and independence. The remaining wheelchairs will be taken inside Syria in the coming weeks to be donated to extremely disabled survivors of the war.
The Syrian conflict has raged on for over five years now. As thousands of innocent lives have been lost, thousands more sustained permanent disabilities during military operations, and the delay in getting medical attention has added to the severity of their injuries.
The Syrian people have been very resilient in the face of so much tragedy and loss, and, sadly, they have somewhat become accustomed to the scenes of horror and destruction. Their daily lives have been filled with loss and heartbreak. Zakat Foundation of America is doing its part in helping survivors of war get some normalcy back into their lives by donating wheelchairs, as most of these people are displaced and do not have the means to acquire one.
Zakat Foundation of America is committed to helping the Syrian people during these very difficult times and has been heavily involved in many facets of the humanitarian relief effort since the start of the conflict.