Zakat Foundation of America Iftar Feeds 700 people

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While America is the land of abundance, hunger remains a reality for many Americans. On July 11th, Zakat Foundation of America fed 700 people at Masjid At-Taqwa located in the heart of Brooklyn, New York. Masjid At-Taqwa is led by world renowned Imam Siraj Wahhaj and it boasts an eclectic and dynamic community. Check out what Imam Siraj Wahhaj had to say about Zakat Foundation of America and his reasons for supporting our remarkable commitment to ending world poverty.

This is one of the many U.S. based iftars* that Zakat Foundation of America is sponsoring. At Zakat Foundation Community Center—Chicago (Zakat Foundation of AmericaCCC) there will be community iftars every Tuesday and Wednesday. The goal of this initiative is to feed the many people who trickle into the center in need of food and other basic necessities. Zakat Foundation of America is also providing daily iftars for several mosques and community centers in the Chicagoland region. Along with that daily iftars will be taking place at several mosques on the East Coast.

To see what else Zakat Foundation of America is doing around the globe to combat hunger this Ramadan follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

*The meal eaten by Muslims after sunset during the religious month of Ramadan.

Published: July 12, 2013
Categories: Stories