Zakat Foundation of America Prepares Urgent Medical Kits for Victims of Chemical Warfare in Syria

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The crisis in Syria has crossed a horrifying threshold. Confirmed reports from Damascus tell of chemical weapons used against civilians, killing scores or even hundreds of civilians, including many children. The chemical attack was unleashed on the city’s eastern suburbs in the early hours of Wednesday morning as families slept. Medicines for those exposed to the chemical weapons are urgently needed. Zakat Foundation of America has sent life-saving medicine to treat those fighting for their lives, but more help is needed.

Please help us provide life saving support:

  • One medical kit cost $150

  • Five medical kits cost $750

  • Ten medical kits cost $1500

Zakat Foundation of America has delivered humanitarian aid to Syria since the conflict began in March, 2011. From medicines, housing and food to educational programs for refugee children, Zakat Foundation of America has responded to the needs of an ever-changing and tragically worsening situation. Zakat Foundation of America has also begun looking to the future and planning projects that will enable Syrians to rebuild their country sustainably once the conflict is resolved.

Your donation to Zakat Foundation of America health clinics can save the lives of innocents caught in this ongoing conflict. We pray that Allah (swt) eases the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Syria, bringing peace and comfort to their hearts and country.

Published: August 21, 2013
Categories: Stories