Zakat Foundation of America Provides More Housing in Damascus for Displaced Syrians

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Every day thousands of Syrians are being forced to leave their homes in search of safety as the country deals with political instability. Since March 2011, when the plight in Syria began, Zakat Foundation of America has been providing aid to civilians in Syria and to refugees who have fled to Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.

Zakat Foundation of America is now renting an apartment building inside Damascus, the capital city of Syria, to provide refuge to 82 families who have been forced to leave their own homes. Over 400 people have benefitted from this arrangement, including women and children and the elderly.

The apartment building in Damascus is the latest effort by Zakat Foundation of America to provide homes to Syrians who have been displaced. Zakat Foundation of America is renting another 212 homes in the region, providing a safe place to live for over 1,200 displaced Syrians.
We currently have:

  • 52 homes in Syria

  • 100 homes in Jordan

  • 10 homes in Turkey

  • 50 homes in Lebanon

In Syria, we have been able to provide aid in a number of different ways:

  • opened field clinics in a number of cities in addition to supporting field hospitals

  • sent and distributed food packages & food regularly

  • purchased and distributed medical supplies including 100 first aid kits every week to civilians

  • run an Orphan Sponsorship Program for Syrian orphans and Syrian refugee children

  • provided housing to displaced Syrians

So far, Zakat Foundation of America has provided close to $3 Million in aid to Syrians and Syrian Refugees in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon. We remain committed to aiding the Syrian people during this time of need and will continue to provide aid to the people of Syria throughout the month of Ramadan until the suffering comes to an end.

Published: July 20, 2012
Categories: Stories