Zakat Foundation of America Sponsors Eid Festival in North Carolina

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Zakat Foundation of America Sponsors Eid Festival in North Carolina - In the heat of a summer day, Ibrahim Alhaj handed out ice cream cones to everyone at the Eid Festival. Ibrahim resettled to the United States from Syria about eight months ago, and he is one of the many refugees rebuilding their lives in the U.S. thanks to the efforts of Zakat Foundation of America.

Last week, Zakat Foundation of America co-sponsored an Eid Festival with Masjid Ibadurrahman in Durham, N.C. Most of the people who attended were refugee families from Syria and Iraq.

“It is nice to see refugees are adjusting [in the] U.S. and becoming part of the community,” said Murat Kose, Zakat Foundation of America’s East Coast Programs Director.

For the past two years, Zakat Foundation of America has been assisting refugee resettlement in North Carolina. The organization provides English classes, transportation, and employment opportunities.

In celebration of the holy month of Ramadan, Zakat Foundation of America sponsored a series of Eid Festivals across the country, including in New York and Delaware.

Published: July 7, 2017
Categories: Stories