Warm a Soul and Save a Life
The current global climate is enveloped in ongoing conflicts, natural disasters, increasing poverty levels, and an unimaginable number of internally displaced people and refugees. The winter brings an added fear of surviving the bone-chilling temperatures without proper clothing, heat, and shelter.
Your support will give winter supplies to families desperately needing protection from the elements. Our winter aid packages provide essentials such as blankets, coats, heaters, coal, and firewood to those in Afghanistan, Gaza, Lebanon, Pakistan, the USA, and beyond. With your help, those experiencing poverty can survive the winter with dignity and safety.
Your Impact Last Winter


Winter Kits Distributed

Donate to Winter Relief
Help warm the world’s vulnerable during the cold season.
A Glimpse of Our Humanitarian Work

Blankets, coats and shoes provide soft comfort from the harsh winter climate. / توفر البطانيات، المعاطف، والأحذية حماية دافئة وراحة ناعمة من قسوة مناخ الشتاء.

Families, and especially refugees, often struggle to survive a hard winter, but blankets from Zakat Foundation provide help and hope. / غالبًا ما تكافح الأسر، وخاصة اللاجئين، للبقاء على قيد الحياة خلال فصل الشتاء القاسي، ولكن البطانيات المقدمة من مؤسسة الزكاة توفر لهم الدفء والأمل

In Bangladesh, a new blanket brings smiles and winter warmth. / في بنغلاديش، تجلب البطانيات الجديدة الابتسامات، وتمنح الدفء في مواجهة الشتاء القاسي.

In India, a small act of charity means a new blanket bringing warmth, hope, smiles and winter protection. / في الهند، يمكن لعمل خيري بسيط، مثل تقديم بطانية جديدة، أن يمنح الدفء، الأمل، والحماية الشتوية للأسر المحتاجة

Keeping families, refugees and orphans safe in the winter months is a priority for Zakat Foundation. We help protect impoverished people from cold and snow with our Winter Relief Packages. / الحفاظ على سلامة الأسر، اللاجئين، والأيتام خلال أشهر الشتاء الباردة يعدّ أولوية لمؤسسة الزكاة. طرود الإغاثة الشتوية تساعد في حماية الفقراء من البرد والثلوج.

Our donors from Zakat Foundation of America help vulnerable orphans survive the winter. End of year donations provide essential aid, including food, shelter, and warmth, to those in need. / يساعد مانحو مؤسسة الزكاة الأمريكية الأيتام المعرضين للخطر على تجاوز الشتاء القاسي. تبرعات نهاية العام توفر احتياجات أساسية، مثل الطعام، المأوى، والدفء، لمن هم في أمسّ الحاجة إليها.

Our donors make a difference in the lives of orphans during the winter by giving their zakat charity to help provide warm coats and blankets. / مانحو مؤسسة الزكاة يُحدثون فرقًا حقيقيًا في حياة الأيتام خلال فصل الشتاء، من خلال تبرعاتهم التي تسهم في توفير المعاطف والبطانيات الدافئة.

Our Zakat Foundation workers distribute blankets for the cold winter months to help those in need. / يقوم فريق مؤسسة الزكاة بتوزيع البطانيات خلال أشهر الشتاء الباردة، لتخفيف معاناة المحتاجين.

People living in poverty in 9 countries will receive our Winter 2024 Relief Packages, which include items like blankets, coats, shoes, plastic tarps, heaters, fuel, food and mattresses. / سيحصل المحتاجون في 9 دول على طرود الإغاثة الشتوية لعام 2024، والتي تشمل البطانيات، المعاطف، الأحذية، الأغطية البلاستيكية، المدافئ ، الوقود، الطعام، والمراتب.

Poor orphans in Nepal need our help to survive winter. Winter Relief Kits bring hope, warmth, and comfort. / في النيبال، يحتاج الأيتام الفقراء إلى مساعدتنا للبقاء على قيد الحياة خلال الشتاء القارس. طرود الإغاثة الشتوية تجلب لهم الأمل، الدفء، والراحة.

Refugees and stateless people often live in tents. Winter presents a huge challenge to keep warm and safe. Our organization provides plastic sheeting to help keep dwellings warm. / غالبًا ما يعيش اللاجئون و عديمو الجنسية في خيام غير مؤهلة لمواجهة الشتاء. توفر مؤسسة الزكاة أغطية بلاستيكية لتحسين دفء وسلامة مساكنهم.

Refugees in India take comfort in a new winter blanket provided by end of year donations from Zakat Foundation of America. / في الهند، يحصل اللاجئون على بطانيات شتوية جديدة، مقدمة بفضل تبرعات نهاية العام من مؤسسة الزكاة الأمريكية

Sometimes, orphan children do not have properly fitting shoes, clothing, or coats. Zakat Foundation of America makes sure orphans and refugee children have protection from winter snow. / غالبًا ما يفتقر الأطفال الأيتام إلى أحذية، ملابس، أو معاطف مناسبة. تعمل مؤسسة الزكاة على ضمان حماية الأيتام والأطفال اللاجئين من ثلوج الشتاء القاسية.

The winter in northeast Syria is exceptionally cold, with temperatures reaching 0°C (32F). It's a time of extreme hardship and insecurity for many of the internally displaced people living in camps and informal settlements. / يعد الشتاء في شمال شرق سوريا باردًا بشكل استثنائي، حيث تصل درجات الحرارة إلى 0 درجة مئوية (32 درجة فهرنهايت). هذا الفصل يمثل وقتًا من المشقة الشديدة وانعدام الأمن للعديد من النازحين الذين يعيشون في المخيمات والمستوطنات غير الرسمية.

This 2024-2025 winter, we will be providing essential winter relief to needy in Gaza. / خلال شتاء 2024-2025، ستقدم مؤسسة الزكاة مساعدات شتوية أساسية للمحتاجين في غزة لتخفيف معاناتهم.

Widows, orphans and refugees need help to make it through the winter months safely. / الأرامل، الأيتام، واللاجئون بحاجة ماسة إلى المساعدة لتجاوز أشهر الشتاء بسلام وأمان.

Winter Relief Packages are essential for those needy including refugees, orphans and vulnerable families. / طرود الإغاثة الشتوية أساسية حتى تتمكن الأسر المحتاجة، اللاجئين، والأيتام، من مواجهة البرد القارس.

Zakat Foundation of America protects children from winter with coats, shoes, hats and blankets. / تعمل مؤسسة الزكاة على حماية الأطفال من قسوة الشتاء من خلال توفير المعاطف، الأحذية، القبعات، والبطانيات
Warming Hearts and Saving Lives

Balk, Afghanistan
Bi Bi Sharafat Noor, a 33-year-old housekeeper and mother of four, struggles as the sole provider. Her housecleaning job pays minimally, and often, lack of work leads to financial struggles and food scarcity. She expressed the heartbreak of putting her children to bed hungry. Upon receiving winter supplies, she expressed her gratitude, stating:
“Thank you, Zakat Foundation of America. Your bags of rice will feed my family for at least a month, and I won't have to put my children to bed hungry.”

Khiraj Kohli, Pakistan
Karman endured a life-altering injury during the 2022 Pakistan flood, leaving her disabled. As the sole provider for her six-member family, the devastation made survival challenging. The Pakistan flood destroyed homes, livestock, and crops, exacerbating their plight. Grateful for emergency relief from the Zakat Foundation of America, Mrs. Karman expressed heartfelt thanks. The essentials provided help them endure the harsh winter, ensuring the safety of her children.

Gaziantep, Türkiye
Meryem is a widow raising 4 orphaned children, living with extremely limited resources and unable to work due to a disability. She dreams of having her children receive an education. Often relying on second-hand clothing for her children; she was overjoyed to receive brand new clothing through our Winter Relief program. Meryem’s children experienced joy, wearing the warm coats gifted to them. Meryem extends her heartfelt thanks to the generous donors whose contributions have profoundly impacted her family’s life.

Um Rumanneh Camp, Jordan
Marwan, a vibrant 6-year-old, embraces life joyfully. Due to war in the region, his family sought refuge in Jordanian camps, finding community among families living in tents. Families in the camp participate in our seasonal and educational programs. Initially unable to read or write, Marwan benefited from our educational initiatives, allowing him to interact with other children and develop new skills. We identified a pressing need for blankets and waterproof materials and promptly addressed this deficiency by ensuring adequate supplies for distribution among all families in the camp. These winterization items will keep rain out of the tents and provide warmth for families including Marwan’s.

Beirut, Lebanon
Rajaa Sweid, a 65-year-old woman, lives with ten family members, including seven children and a baby. Rajaa's son works as a construction worker, earning a modest income that struggles to support the family. They are burdened with debts, including essential expenses such as food and medicine. Our Winter Relief Package was a welcomed relief for Rajaa as it contained items to better prepare for winter, including food staples. Winter relief is a blessing beyond words for many struggling to survive.

Kashmir, India
Sixty-year-old Beed Jaan lives alone in a small, single-room mud house in the village of Dardpora. Since the loss of her husband, she has faced numerous challenges. As a childless widow, she relies on neighbors for leftover food and struggles to meet her basic needs. During the bitter winter, Beed had no warm clothing to protect herself from the chilly, windy night She felt utterly vulnerable and seemed hopeless until she received our Winter Relief Package. Filled with gratitude, she thanked our donors, saying:
“I am so grateful for this. I have always admired the dedication of this organization, working tirelessly to help those in need. I sincerely thank you all.”