lebanon banner hero

Response to Humanitarian Crisis

Lebanon, a small Middle Eastern country bordered by Syria and the Mediterranean, is one of the world’s oldest countries, known for its rich cultural history dating back to 4000 BCE and its role as a vital trading hub, shaped by diverse religious communities such as Christians, Muslims, and Druze. However, Lebanon has faced ongoing challenges, including political instability, economic crises, and social unrest. Today, around 600,000 internally displaced people struggle with food insecurity, inadequate medical care, and the constant threat of violence. Zakat Foundation of America provides emergency relief, food security, medical care, orphan and educational support, and much more to those internally displaced and refugee families in need.

Lebanon map

Our Impact in Lebanon

Stories of Change

Providing a Safe Haven for Displaced and Vulnerable Communities

dalia haitham


Dalia Haitham Abdel-Al lives in Kfar Danis after she was displaced from southern Lebanon. Our hot meal distributions  have been a significant help for her and her family. They've eased financial strain by providing daily lunches, something that was unavailable, due to being jobless. Dalia stated, “These meals fill a void, as we couldn't afford daily meals here. I'm grateful to the Zakat Foundation for this assistance.”

ramzi abdel al


Ramzi Abdel-Al is from Halta, southern Lebanon. He is now in Kfar Danis after being displaced. His wife is pregnant, and the  hot meals provided by Zakat Foundation of America came at a crucial time. For him,they relieved financial stress after leaving work. These meals have been a relief, especially considering their struggle with water scarcity, which the meals helped alleviate. Ramzi stated, “I'm deeply thankful to the Zakat Foundation of America  and all contributors.” When he saw the meal, he was so happy and told his family that now they can finally have proper food.

Captured Moments: A Glimpse of Our Work

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A Sadaqah Jariyah that provides clean water to communities.

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Emergency Relief

Help victims of disaster & violent conflict recover and heal. Give $100 for Emergency Relief.

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Providing access to education & creating powerful antidotes to unrest, distrust, & war.

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Health & Wellbeing

Leading critical projects to heal bodies, minds, & souls.

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Food Security

Delivering urgent food in Ramadan & year round to relieve starvation. Give $50 for Food Security.

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Sadaqah Jariyah

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Seasonal Islamic Giving

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