Zakat Foundation of America in
Support Emergency Efforts in Palestine
More recently, Zakat Foundation is providing emergency relief amidst the ongoing crisis in Gaza which erupted in October 2023.
Give NowOur Impact in Palestine
Our Work in Gaza
Through a variety of programs, we are impacting thousands of lives. The occupied territory of the Gaza Strip makes day-to-day life an unimaginable struggle for its residents. Access to essentials and traveling is limited, which requires Zakat Foundation to increase our support and invest in the people. With your help, we are making a lasting impact on the lives of those who need it most.
See our work in Gaza
Gaza Year in ReviewEmpowering Lives and Securing Futures

Pediatric Cancer Hospital
In collaboration with local partners, we secure chemotherapy drugs, supporting medications, and enhance the holistic care for pediatric cancer patients, ensuring continuous treatment, nutritious meals, fewer referrals, increased family support, and reduced travel constraints.

Greenhouse Gardens
Our greenhouse projects furnish year-round sustenance and sustainable farming training to food-insecure families in northern Gaza, supplying small greenhouses alongside essential training in basic farming and vegetable production skills for disadvantaged households.

Orphan Care
We provide food vouchers to orphaned children from the poorest families and offer medications and rehabilitation services to sick children from similarly disadvantaged backgrounds, to address critical aspects of their well-being and quality of life.

Shelter Repair and Rehabilitation
In partnership with UNWRA, we focus on home rebuilding and repair following civil unrest, aiding families in reconstructing their shelters and homes that were demolished in the Gaza Strip.

Agricultural Projects
We aim to improve the livelihoods of rural Palestinians in the West Bank by enhancing agricultural output and income for grape farming families near Al-Khader Village in Bethlehem Governorate and expanding the storage capacity of 8 rainwater cisterns in the South Hebron Hills.

Paving the Path to Education
We are enhancing the learning environment in preschools in Gaza by increasing access to sustainable sources of clean and safe water and electricity by installing reverse osmosis units and solar panels.
Stories of Change

Twelve-year-old Zain, diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, lives in Khan Younis with his family. His father supports the family by working in a shop. With generous chemotherapy donations, Zain can stay close to his loved ones during treatment. He's eager to recover, reunite with friends and family, and return to school.

Naeem Mohammed Abu Neqera, 57, lives with an extended family of seven, facing financial hardship due to his battle with lung cancer, which prevents him from working. His wife also suffers from health issues. They struggle to meet basic needs, but nutritious meat from the Udhiya/Qurbani program brings them hope in the generosity of those who support Zakat Foundation.
News from Palestine

Zakat Foundation of America Powerful Program - Confronting Cancer in Gaza

A Prayer for Palestine
While there isn’t a special prayer for Palestine, it is recommended for Muslims to ask God for help in prayer. Here is a special prayer (or dua) for Palestine and the Palestinian people.

Paving a Path to Independence
Paving a Path to Independence-Mr. Imad Afanah lives in a camp in Qalandia, Palestine, with narrow streets and small houses built close together.
Captured Moments: A Glimpse of Our Work

Nutritious food given to a young cancer fighter / طفلة مريضة بالسرطان تتلقى طعام مغذي

Greenhouse gardens being constructed to secure livelihoods for families / البيوت للزراعة الدفيئة لتأمين سبل العيش للعائلات

A greenhouse ready to come to life and give life / بيت بلاستيكي جاهز للزراعة الدفيئة

Chemotherapy medicine / أدوية العلاج الكيميائي

Clean water with reverse osmosis / توفير المياه النظيفة

Education support for a brighter future / دعم التعليم لمستقبل أكثر إشراقا

Food support for orphans / توفير الطعام للأيتام

Greenhouses / محاصيل الدفيئات الزراعية

Home rehabilitation in Gaza / إعادة تأهيل المنازل في غزة

Ramadan Food Packages / توزيع الطرود الرمضانية الغذائية

Udhiya-Qurbani preparations / تحضير الأضاحي

A deaf child signing her love after receiving Ramadan food / طفلة صماء تعبر عن حبها بلغة الإشارة بعد حصولها على توزيعات رمضان
Help Palestinians Now
Providing access to education & creating powerful antidotes to unrest, distrust, & war.
Give to EducationHealth & Wellbeing
Leading critical projects to heal bodies, minds, & souls.
Give to Health & WellbeingRefugee Empowerment
Alleviating the needs of vulnerable families & children.
Give to Refugee EmpowermentLivelihoods
Lifting people out of poverty & ensuring their self-reliance. Give $350 for Livelihood.
Give to LivelihoodsSeasonal Islamic Giving
Additional opportunities to provide more aid throughout the world.
Give Seasonal Islamic GivingEmergency Relief
Help victims of disaster & violent conflict recover and heal. Give $100 for Emergency Relief.
Give to Emergency Relief