The Refugee Crisis in Europe

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The border between Macedonia and Serbia is in chaos at the moment. There are thousands of refugees sprawled across makeshift campsites in what is being called the largest refugee crisis on European soil since WWII. The site is overcrowded, there is barely enough food, and nowhere to sleep. Some of the refugees are families who have risked everything to make it this far.

Hungary has announced a state of emergency over the refugee crisis. The borders are being enforced with security forces and officially closing. For the many who have made it this far, their perilous journey just took a new turn.

Zakat Foundation of America is currently analyzing reports from our representative who was on the ground earlier to assess the situation in Macedonia. Now with Western European nations enforcing border control, it has become crucial to help the countless people who cannot continue on to find safe refuge.

In order to respond to the growing refugee crisis, Zakat Foundation of America has taken the initiative to provide humanitarian assistance for the refugees, focusing on basic needs, such as food and clothing. Zakat Foundation of America has distributed emergency relief kits that include ready-to-eat meals, hygiene kits, and clean dry shirts. Until now, Zakat Foundation of America has donated packages of food and hygiene items for women and children.

However, the refugees need more and have shared requests for raincoats and warm blankets. Zakat Foundation of America is currently working to procure these items and distribute them to the migrants as soon as possible.

What has become painstakingly clear at this point is that this problem is not going to simply go away. Now the international community is witnessing one of modern history’s largest humanitarian crises. The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are upon us and what better time to support our oppressed brothers and sisters.

Published: September 15, 2015
Categories: Stories